Beef Cattle Vaccination Protocol
We recommend calves receive their initial vaccinations at 4 months of age, prior to weaning. This is also a good time to perform routine processing surgical procedures such as dehorning and castrations. A booster dose can then be given when calves are sorted for weaning.
- \7/8-Way Blackleg Vaccine (Clostridium cahauvoei, +/- haemolyticum, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens C&D bacterin toxoid)
Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
- \Vision 7/8 (by Merck)
- \Ultabac 7/8 (by Zoetis)
- \Alpha 7/8 (by Boehringer Ingelheim)
- \Covexin 8 (by Merck)
- \5-Way Leptospirosis Vaccine (Leptospira canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiea, pomona bacterin)
Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
- \Lepto Shield 5 (by Elanco)
- \Leptoferm 5 (by Zoetis)
- \4/5-Way Viral Bovine Respiratory Disease (Bovine Viral Diarrhea, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza 3, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus) – Killed or Modified-Live versions available.
Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
Killed Virus Vaccines
- \Triangle 4/5 (by Boehringer Ingelheim)
- \Vira Shield 5 (by Elanco)
Modified-Live Vaccines
- \Bovi-Shield Gold (by Zoetis)
- \CattleMaster Gold (by Zoetis)
- \Vista 5 (by Merck)
- \Pyramid 5 (by Boehringer Ingelheim)
- \Bang’s Vaccine – (Brucellosis) - Replacement Heifers Only between 4-12 months of age. Must be performed by a licensed veterinarian. No booster required.
There are also multiple products available that combine one or more of the above vaccines. There are dozens of options and combinations available!
Caws and Bulls
We recommend that adult cattle be vaccinated annually for the following:
- \Vibrio/Lepto (Campylobacter fetus + 5-Way Leptospira) Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
- \StayBred VL 5 (by Zoetis)
- \Citadel VL 5 (by Boehringer Ingelheim)
- \VibShield Plus VL 5 (by Elanco)
- \4/5-Way Viral Bovine Respiratory Disease (Bovine Viral Diarrhea, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza 3, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
In adult cattle, you must use a killed virus vaccine unless you are certain that the animal was vaccinated with a modified-live vaccine as a calf. Otherwise, modified-live vaccines are likely to cause abortions. For this reason, we always use the killed virus vaccine in adult cattle at Tecumseh Veterinary Clinic.
Multiple versions available from multiple manufacturers:
Killed Virus Vaccines
- \Triangle 4/5 (by Boehringer Ingelheim)
- \Vira Shield 5 (by Elanco)
Other Vaccines
There are many other vaccines available for use in cattle that can be implemented on an as-needed basis depending upon the health history of your herd. Consult your local veterinarian for a specific herd health protocol consultation for your herd.
- \Anaplasmosis
- \Foot Rot
- \Pinkeye
- \Warts